Monday, December 1, 2008

A New Start For The Blog

I'm starting this blog with the idea that I'm going to keep up with it better than I did last year. Even if I post once a week I'm ahead of the game. The last post I made was the first week of November 2007 and I have to say this last year flew by way too fast! I can't believe how much Serena has grown in the past year. She was just a baby this time last year and now she's a little person.

Serena is a very happy and very funny little girl. She's always been happy but now that she's older she has new ways of expressing it. Her sense of humor is just too cute! It has really come out much more in the past few months as her little personality takes on new ways of expressing itself.

I could just gush about her all day so I'll give it to you a little at a time over the next months. I don't want to overwhelm anyone.


Maegan and Tony Van Sant said...

This is so great! I cannot believe how much she has grown since we last saw you! You both look great.

Unknown said...

A new blog...How exciting!!!!!!!!!!
Well now that you have started this new blog, I will be waiting weekly for the updates.

It's been great watching Serena come into her own little personality. She is too cute for words. It makes me so happy to see her adjusting so well to her new life and bonding with her mommy. Enjoy it all, Dana. It does go by so fast. I am looking forward to seeing Serena continue to grow into the cute, sometimes stubborn, talented, contrary, always adventurous (except when Santa is involved) and lovable little girl she has already begun to become. Her mother is a great role model.

I love you both.

P.S. Love that picture of you and Serena at the playground. Who took that photo?

L said...

Isn't it amazing how little time you have when you're a parent? No time for anything, especially WTG! in reviving the Serena blog!!!

She is such a cutie and a "nice" girl ;-) just like her mama! Love that bathtub photo...would love a copy (wink, wink).