My little Love. I really can't believe it was 3 years ago today that me and Serena became a family! It does not feel like 3 years have past at all. When I look at these pictures I remember so well how I felt, what my thoughts were and I had no idea what life would be like in the future with this sweet girl I was meeting for the first time. I had no idea what she would be like. She has turned into the most amazing little girl.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Meetcha Day, 3 Years Ago Today........
My little Love. I really can't believe it was 3 years ago today that me and Serena became a family! It does not feel like 3 years have past at all. When I look at these pictures I remember so well how I felt, what my thoughts were and I had no idea what life would be like in the future with this sweet girl I was meeting for the first time. I had no idea what she would be like. She has turned into the most amazing little girl.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Fall 2009 Update In The Spring
In November we got a new addition to our family. Her name is Roxy, she's 3 years old and she is the sweetest most lovable dog I ever met. I was never a dog person, we always had cats. Serena has always asked for a dog but I never thought I'd end up with one. Roxy was my friends dog. Roxy was always with him when he came to visit and I just loved her and so does Serena. My friend unexpectedly went into the hospital in October so he asked me to take care of her until he came home and I said that I'd love to have her. Unfortunately he did not come home and he is at peace now. It's a great loss for all who knew him and he is terribly missed. I'm glad I have Roxy because I feel like a piece of him is always with me.
One day in the kitchen Serena was scribbling on a piece of paper and I saw a tornado in her scribble. I said "Serena, what are you drawing?" She said "A tornado like in the Wizard of Oz." I almost fell over!! Never in a million years did I think she was going to say that! Coincidence?? I just love this picture!
Christmas morning was at home with me, Serena, and my sister. It's always so much fun to wake up in the morning with family and open presents. This year Serena really got the whole idea of Christmas, Jesus' birthday, Santa Claus and opening presents. Later in the day when everyone came for dinner I said to everyone "What day is today?" Everyone one said "Christmas, December 25, Sunday......" Serena said "Jesus' birthday!" She is one smart cookie!
Grandpa playing with Serena and her new princess castle that Santa Claus brought her. He's a good grandpa! He just turned 80. I can't believe my dad is 80 years old. You'd never know it!
I always said "I would NEVER get in the habit of sleeping with my child." I was sure I never would. What did I know? You don't know anything about raising a child until you have one. You may think you know but until your in those situations you NEVER know. About a year ago I gave up staying with Serena until she fell asleep. Sometimes it takes her 45 minutes to an hour to get to sleep. I'd end up hanging over the crib until that time came. Finally I said "screw this", she's sleeping with me. I'd put her back in her crib when she fell asleep but finally it was time for her to get her own bed. I talked to her about it for a while and then in January it was time. Aunt Maria wanted to help and she bought Serenas mattress and I bought the bedding. Thanks Aunt Maria! It was tough to make the transition but all is good now. A nice routine and a little bribery with Dorothy, Glinda and the Scarecrow really helped out. Aunt Patty got Serena Dorothy and Glinda Barbies for Christmas. I used a sticker chart and the promise of the Scarecrow doll to get her to get used to her bed. I'm sleeping much better now.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Can It Really Be 6 Months Later?
Anyway, here is a Serena update. We went to a birthday party for one of her school friends and it was at a horsefarm. Here she is with one of her favorite kids splashing around in the mud. I had second thoughts about it but she had fun. Then I stripped her down, poured Poland Spring all over her and she fell asleep on the way home.

Pony rides made all the kids happy. People were saying how Serena seems like she's been riding horses a long time. Maybe it's in her genes being Kazak.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Things Will Be Different They Say.............I Can Only Hope

Serena has not been interested in eating vegetables other than peas so tonight I decided to make faces on her "smiley potatos". She ate every vegetable on this plate. I can't believe it worked.

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Christmas At Home
This year was the first year I did Christmas at my house and it was GREAT! All my life until 1997 my parents did Christmas. My grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins would sleep over Christmas Eve after a big dinner and we'd all open presents together. The kids slept in the livingroom with the tree and it was always so much fun. My mom left us in 1997 and after that my aunt, cousin and sister would take turns hosting the holidays. No more sleep overs until this year. My brother even came up with his family for Christmas and that just made things extra special. Everyone brought something for dinner and stayed the night. Opening presents with Serena was extra special since she was able to understand better this year. She got sick Christmas Eve and had a 102 degree temp and slept most of the day in my bed. Poor baby.

Christmas Day Serena was still a little out of it. She opened her presents but was quiet through most of it. She loved the tea set that Santa Claus brought her more than anything I think. The piano seems to be a favorite too.

After Serenas fever went away she was very congested. She was very grumpy so I was very understanding of her mood swings and grumpiness. Well, after a week I think she started milking it. I would never think a 2 year old, well, 2 1/2 year old would do this but I know she was. Her behavior around New Years was bad. She became very bossy and everything was no no no. This is not typically Serena. We had a "stand off" the other day. She refused to say she was sorry for throwing things like toys, shoes, her binky when she is mad, which was often the last few days. She got a time out which I don't normally have to do with her and she just refused to apologize. I just knew, knew this was an important moment as far as letting her know the boundaries around here. She stood her ground for about 10 minutes. Finally she gave in. I don't know if she meant she was sorry or she just gave in. After that I had my angel back for the rest of the day. I know this is small potatos compared to the teenage years but this was the toughest time I ever had with her. I'm glad she was better today.

Monday, December 1, 2008
A New Start For The Blog